In recovering moulds, MIDA chrome plating processing is really revolutionary: it eliminates dents and porosity, it can correct edges and threads, restores worn moulds, hardens surfaces. The deposit is localised only on the part required.
The uniformity of the deposits is such that in most cases, even with deposits of several centimetres there is no need for grinding making the recovery of rejected items profitable, including those of very small value. MIDA processing is applied with excellent results to press forging, the deposit of MIDA hard chrome plating is uniformly plated on all the surface boosting production.
With MIDA processing it is possible:
To recover, and so use further, utensils that would otherwise be disposed of: the treatment can be repeated many times.
To chrome plate plastic and metal moulds, thethe polish of the chrome deposit makes the mechanical grinding superfluous and eliminates the most dreaded danger: the rounding off of edges.
To buffing the chrome deposit makes mechanical grinding superfluous and eliminates the most dreaded danger: blunting of edges.
To recover elements which, for various technical and human errors, would be discarded as scrap, because of the current high tolerances.
Cylindrical elements can be restored to ensure an excellent parallelism, so that, in many cases, no grinding is needed.
MIDA technical chrome deposits can be applied also in press forging and in many cases can multiply or treble production.
With hard chrome deposits it is possible to recover moulds even of small dimensions; subsequently through the process of electroerosion the precise desired form can be obtained.
Moreover the particular qualities of smoothness and specularity that can be obtained on the chrome plated surfaces of the moulds improve the surface appearance of the products, facilitating the extraction of the moulded objects, eliminating use of oil and saving labour. The temperature of the moulding operations (100-250°C) is no problem. Chromium resists cellulose ethers, nitrocellulose, acetylcellulose, vinyl derivatives (acetate, chloride), sulphur rubber, loaded rubber.